Weekly News - August 16, 2021

Amy Parratto

WEEKLY NEWS – August 16, 2021


We hope all of you are enjoying your summer break. Here is the news you need to know!

  • Remember that registration opens on Monday, August 23rd.
  • Lead coaches will be sending out group emails by this Wednesday, August 18th.
  • Our short course season begins Tuesday, September 7th. Stay tuned for more details from our lead coaches.
  • Remember, if interested, to sign-up for our last week of August FlexSwim option which runs the week of the 23rd. Practices will be M/W/F from 6:30-7:30p with an additional dryland session following the in-water practices. Dryland will conclude at 7:50. Be sure to sign up soon if you are interested! The price is $125 for in-water practices only and $150 if dryland is selected. Please note your desire to do dryland in the comment section of the sign-up.
  • Be sure to check out the meet summaries from our long course championship meets. Way to go Riptide! - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rqMic4W48_GoH1vgB21yH85CcR3bur0bWvn3a1pGUuw


  • We still require masks while at BWAC. Fully vaccinated coaches may now remove masks while swimmers are in the water but will wear them during any interactions with the swimmers before or after practices. Thank you for your continued attention to these procedures.
  • Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should swimmers exhibiting symptoms associated with Covid-19 and/or with a fever of 100.4 or higher attend practices. Please work together to reduce the risk of infection. If your swimmer has had close contact with a confirmed Covid-19 case, you must keep them away from the pool for 10 days. You may not test out of this quarantine. Please review the Standard Operating Procedures.
    • Stay home if you are not feeling well. Please err on the side of caution as one bad decision can impact numerous other swimmers and families.
    • Remember that family members sharing the same household are considered “close contact” when it comes to Covid exposure. Therefore, if a member of your family tests positive for Covid, you must quarantine from practice for 10 days. You may not “test out of quarantine”. In the event you must miss practice due to Covid exposure, please notify [email protected] and a credit will be arranged.
    • Please remind your swimmers to always wear masks at BWAC while not swimming. Send your swimmer with a small plastic baggie in which they may place their mask at the end of their lane. The mask may be taken off just prior to entering the water and must then be placed back on immediately after exiting the water.
  • An important administrative reminder for all families – our annual Team Unify registration system purge occurs in August. We clear the system and begin with a clean slate for the 2021-22 season. All swimmers must re-register in August for the new season which begins on September 7th.
  • Coach Contact Information